We have all heard that I lost my homework or the dog ate my homework, but what if you lost your ticket? No, really lost your traffic ticket! Well, no need to worry we have some helpful solutions to assist in you finding your ticket and even completing traffic school today.
Often when someone has lost a ticket, it really is not too much to worry about, as the court will make sure you know you have a ticket that needs to be paid. They do this by mail, in which they provide information about the fine and options for you to attend traffic school.
However, if you lost your ticket and the paperwork, the courts often have online options for you to find out and even pay your traffic ticket online. Many courts have an online presence that have options for you to reteieve information about your ticket and pay the fines online. Please, see a list of courts below.
A number courts in California have opted to the epay-it.com system, for instance, epay it online riverside county uses this payment system.
Alameda: https://apps3.alameda.courts.ca.gov/webpay/views/citation-entry.asp
Amador: http://www.amadorcourt.org/dv-traffic.aspx
Butte: https://cabutteodyprod.tylerhost.net/Portal/Home/Dashboard/29
Fresno: https://publicportal.fresno.courts.ca.gov/FRESNOPORTAL/Home/Dashboard/29
Imperial: http://www.imperial.courts.ca.gov/Traffic.htm
Los Angeles: http://www.lacourt.org/index.aspx
Madera: https://madera.epay-it.com/
Marin: https://www.marincourt.org/MarinTrafficWeb/TrafficMain.aspx
Merced: https://jpportal.mercedcourt.org/MERCEDPROD/Home/Dashboard/29
Monterey: https://portal.monterey.courts.ca.gov/traffic
Nevada County: https://www.nevada.courts.ca.gov/online-services/pay-fines-fees
Placer: http://www.placer.courts.ca.gov/online-case-access.shtml
Orange County: http://www.occourts.org/online-services/case-access/
Riverside: https://www.riverside.courts.ca.gov/Divisions/Traffic/pay-traffic-ticket.php
Sacramento: https://services.saccourt.ca.gov/PublicCaseAccess/Traffic
San Bernardino: https://www.sb-court.org/divisions/traffic
San Benito: https://sanbenito.epay-it.com/
San Mateo: http://www.sanmateocourt.org/court_divisions/traffic/
Santa Barbara: https://portal.sbcourts.org/CASBPORTAL/Home/Dashboard/29
Santa Clara: http://www.sccaseinfo.org/calendar/Traffic
Santa Cruz: https://portal.santacruzcourt.org/Portal/Home/Dashboard/29
Sonoma: https://www.ncourt.com/x-press/x-onlinepayments.aspx?juris=7af39c34-e82b-4da7-9815-5e62e9cbe048
Sutter: https://casutterportal.tylerhost.net/Portal
Ventura: https://secured.countyofventura.org/courtservices/CourtServiceHome.aspx
"I consider this course as a well-written and very comprehensive study about practical rules for driving. I learned considerably more for updating my driving knowledge and considerations for driving respectfully w/o future tickets--I hope!
When do I receive my course completion certificate?
Richard H. - Calaveras, California
"Thank you for a fast and easy online test! Really helped!"
Andrew M. - San Diego, California
"Enjoyed the fun manner of the presentation!"
Graciela L. - Sacramento, California
"This is very very very use-friendly and super easy. I love this online course with the tests included which makes our lives easier. We can do this at the comfort of our own personal time instead of going to the class."
Roger I. - Tuolumne, California
"well done. concise, educational, with a touch of humor. great job."
Cortney L. - San Luis Obispo, California
Michael E. - Colusa, California
"Font size changed to a smaller size in Section 5 making it more difficult to read."
Robert S. - Mono, California
"Thank you!"
Kimberly G. - Fresno, California
"Easy & straight forward..higly recommend! "
Keri R. - Orange, California
"5 Stars"
Joey G. - Sacramento, California