

Privacy & Protection

OneDayTrafficSchool.com has never and will never use, sell, distribute or compromise your private information. Our privacy policy applies to all information collected and it's usage with OneDayTrafficSchool.com services. OneDayTrafficSchool.com developed this privacy statement to demonstrate our commitment to protecting your information.

Security Procedures

When submiting sensitive information to OneDayTrafficSchool.com, your information is protected both online and offline. Information such as driver's licence number, credit card number, name, address and telephone number filled out during the registration process is encrypted using a Secured Socket Layer (SSL) during and after all transactions and when requesting or dealing with information of a sensitive nature. OneDayTrafficSchool.com allows registered students to edit their information only by contacting us by phone. You will be asked to verify your information for your own protection. If you need assistance please call toll free at (877) 245-6972.


OneDayTrafficSchool.com contains links to other websites such as credit card services, delivery services and other businesses. OneDayTrafficSchool.com is not responsible for the privacy practices or procedures of any other company's websites. We encourage our students to read the privacy policy and procedures of each and every website they visit.

We are BBB Accredited

One Day Traffic School BBB Business Review

Quick Tips
  • DMV Licensed, Court Accepted, & Bonded
  • DMV License #: E1892
  • Complete Today
  • Log in and out as you please
  • 24/7/365 Online Traffic School
  • Certificate Sent Electronically To Court
  • 100% Guarantee To Pass!
  • SIGN UP & pay or do Start Now, Pay Later option
  • DMV/Court Notification Offered
Sign Up Now!