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California Traffic School

Looking for a California traffic school that can be completed today? Look no further, we offer a comprehensive course with state-of-the-art features that make traffic school fun and easy.

What Does Traffic School Do In California

Traffic school in California masks a ticket from your insurance. When a ticket is masked it is hidden from the insurance company when they pull a current report from the California DMV. Maksing the traffic ticket from the insurance does not allow the insurance company to add points, which increase your car insurance. The increase on insurance varies between insurance companies, but usually $50 to $60 increase per month. 

How Do I Know If I Can Take Traffic School In California

The court will make you aware if you can take traffic school. For the most part, traffic school can be taken if you have a driving violation. However there are some caveats to being able to take traffic school.

A traffic ticket cannot be masked if:

  • You have successfully completed a traffic violators school within the previous 18 months.
  • The conviction is a 2 point violation, for instance, DUI or Reckless Driving.
  • You were operating a commercial vehicle at the time of the violation.
  • A Class A or B licensee operating a non-commercial vehicle. (however, this has changed from year to year and should be checked with the court).

How Does Traffic School Work In Califronia

1. After recieving a ticket and paying the fees to the court for your ticket the court will send you to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) list. From that list are all the licensed traffic school in California. It is important that you select a licensed traffic school in California or the court can not accept it under the law.

2. Great! You selected a California licensed traffic school, hopefully ours, wink wink. You can now register for that traffic school.

3. Register and take the course. All traffic school curriculum is approximately the same words, and 25 questions on the final that you need to get a 70% passing score. 

4. Once you have completed the course the certificate will be sent to the California DMV on your behalf.

Best Online Traffic School California

If you are looking for a licensed California traffic school, One Day Traffic School, meets all the required licensing regualtions. If you have met all of the standards above, you can register and complete our traffic school today. Our state-of-the-art systems makes taking traffic school quick and easy. 

Helpful Links For Further Research

CA DMV Retention of Driver Record Informaiton

Law Justi US Law California

California Traffic Safety Institute

Why Use Us?
  • We Process Electronically For You
  • 100% Guaranteed To Pass
  • Complete in less than a day.
  • Log in and out as you please
  • DMV Licensed #: E1892
  • Court Accepted & Bonded
  • 24/7/365 Online Traffic School
  • SIGN UP Today, Finish Today
  • Start Now, Pay Later option
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CA DMV Approved Traffic School Seal

Student Comments

"ive learn alot.."
Pollyanna F. - San Diego, California

Kulbir R. - Alameda, California

"thank u"
Jonas J. - Santa Clara, California

"Hello. it was very informative and helpful. i learned about changes in laws and helped me to understand the reasoning behind some of the existing ones. i would definitely recommend this site to my friends. thanks again for having me :)"
Brady H. - Riverside, California

Kenneth W. - Ventura, California

Jose O. - Contra Costa, California

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"The course was very informative and helpful."
Carl B. - Los Angeles, California

"Thank you for making this process so easy.As a mum of twin girls I was dreading doing this. I was worried about the course material, time and test. Doing it this way, was easy and painless. Thank you for making the course easy to follow! I hope I don't have to use your service again! Thanks again. Doing it this way was far better then actually having to go to the actual class itself. So happy thats it all done. :()"
Sara M. - Santa Clara, California

"I learned a lot. I wish I had taken this course BEFORE I got my ticket!"
Dana K. - Contra Costa, California

"Very satisfied with this course. My only worry now is that everything will be submitted to the proper authorities and this will be all over for me in a correct way. Thank you."
Mary J. - Los Angeles, California

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