(877) 245-6972

As Low As $13.90 - Use Promo: SAVE5!

El Dorado Traffic School

Got a ticket in El Dorado. We can help. Whether you have a tablet, computer or smart phone; you can take our traffic school easily anywhere with our mobile optimized traffic school site. Meaning, you can take the course online whenever or whereever you want, day or night. We offer an online traffic school course that’s fast, easy and cheap. With One Day Traffic School's self paced course you can finish the course in less than a day or log in and out whenever you want, it’s absolutely that simple.

We weren't rated number 1 for El Dorado students for nothing. So, if you are looking to complete traffic school for El Dorado you have come to the right place. One Day Traffic School offers a fast, fun and easy online traffic school student can be completed in less than one day.

Take a test drive today for free and see for yourself. Traffic school in your pajamas couldn't be easier. We also offer a 100% guarantee to pass. Why would you want to go to anywhere else when One Day's on-line traffic school gives you best experience?  Start Today, Finish Today.

El Dorado County jurisdictions include: Placerville, South Lake Tahoe, Camino, Coloma, Kyburz, Grizzly Flats California, Meyers, Camp Richardson California, Auburn Lake Trails California.  If you are looking for traffic school in these areas we are licensed to administrate traffic school in these areas.

Get Started Today.  We guarantee you'll pass!


"Great Online tool, thank you!"
Simrana P. - Sacramento, California

"Thank you guys! Course kept me interested the whole way through (which is a big accomplishment since I get distracted very easily). Will not hesitate to recommend this course to others in the future!"
Joshua S. - El Dorado, California

"The Best Traffic School Ever"
James C. - Los Angeles, California

El Dorado County Traffic Court

El Dorado County Traffic Court Website

Pay my fines for El Dorado County Court:

Pay your fines online

Other El Dorado Court Helpful Links

El Dorado Traffic School List

DMV Traffic School List for El Dorado

El Dorado Ticket Status

Protection Of Your Information

Everywhere you look in California people are concerned about the security of their information and the protection of their credit card information.  One Day Traffic School uses the latest in Internet security for our students of traffic school in California. We do this by offering the latest TLS/SSL certificates available today. You can be assured that our California traffic school will never sell or share your information. We do not store or keep your credit card information in our database for your safety.

Frequently Asked Question

Q: Is the course easy?

A: Our DMV Licensed Traffic School was designed to be easy and completed in one day. However, you can do it over many days by logging in and out as you please.

Q: How much is your traffic school?

A: Our cheap traffic school is competitively price compared to other schools. Use promo code: SAVE5 to save even more.

Why Choose Us?
  • Complete The Course Today
  • Options To Submit Same Day
  • Certificate Sent Electronic
  • Fastest Course Allowed
  • DMV License #: E1892
  • Complete In One Sitting
  • Guaranteed To Pass
  • Unlimited Retesting
  • DMV/Court Notification Offered
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Approved Cheap Traffic School Seal
Traffic Violators School Certificate

Self Paced & Easy

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DMV Traffic School List

Safe & Reliable

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